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We have three options for group LESSONS


Give It A Spin - Group Lesson

-45 minute group lesson where you will get a taste of what it's like to throw on the wheel. The piece you make on the wheel will be your own creation!

-Includes coming back to glaze

-# of participants - 5-9

-Minimum age - 12

-$50 per person


Elbows-Deep - Group Lesson

-45 minute group lesson where you will get a taste of what it's like to throw on the wheel. The piece you make on the wheel will be your own creation! (this part is the same as Give It A Spin)

-30 minutes of independent handbuilding

*Make whatever you like!

-Includes coming back to glaze

-# of participants - 5-9

-Minimum age - 12

-Participants may bring food and drink



Handbuilding - Group Lesson

-1 hour group sculpting/handbuilding lesson

*We will work with you to decide on an awesome project for your group!

-Includes coming back to glaze

-# of participants - 5-30

-Minimum age - 0, but the littles will need adult supervision

-$30-$65 per person (price depends on complexity of project)

Tell us about your group below so we can accommodate you!

tell us about your group

Thanks! We will get back to you about booking your experience.

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